2010-12-20 07:34:36 UTC
(Posted here for those who may not visit the rec.photo.darkroom group
very frequently.)
Due to continuing market demand, the company that acquired the now
defunct Aristo Grid Lamp Products has made a decision to reintroduce
replacement fluorescent lamp grids for a number of the long
discontinued Aristo cold light enlarger heads. Voltarc, Inc. recently
completed an initial re-engineering of the lamp for the D2-HI V54 cold
light head, and produced a new manufacturing run of this product.
Sales from this initial effort were sufficient to convince Voltarc to
proceed with a re-engineering of lamp grids for the Aristo VCL4500
(4x5) and VCL8100 (8x10) variable contrast heads. These are the dual-
lamp, green and blue grids. Only the lamps themselves are being
reintroduced. No other newly manufactured replacements parts for any
Aristo cold light head assemblies are being offered.
Voltarc is now accepting names on an interest list for the anticipated
reintroduction of the above two VCL replacement lamps. The
announcement is expected to be made near the end of January 2011,
providing no unforseen obstacles are encountered. Pricing has not yet
been determined, but is expected to be in the ballpark of the final
published Aristo price for these replacement lamps.
If you are interested in getting on the interest list to be notified
when these lamps become available, you can do so by sending an email
to Louise Kessler of Voltarc, Inc. at:
Adding your name to this list does not obligate you to purchase
anything. It is for notification purposes only. If you are
interested in purchasing one of the new D2-HI V54 lamps you can also
do that with a email to Louise at the same address. If sales continue
to justify it, Voltarc has indicated its willingness to continue
reintroducing additional grid lamp models for other Aristo heads in
the future.
For more information, please also see the following thread on the
Analog Photography Users Group (APUG) Darkroom Equipment forum:
For the record, I have no business or financial stake in Aristo/
Voltarc. Only a desire to see them continue to reintroduce these
replacement lamps for the users of the now discontinued light
sources. I think this is good thing for the future of analog
photography in general as it continues its transition into a niche
market. And it's a great opportunity for those of us who continue to
use the original Aristo cold light head units.
very frequently.)
Due to continuing market demand, the company that acquired the now
defunct Aristo Grid Lamp Products has made a decision to reintroduce
replacement fluorescent lamp grids for a number of the long
discontinued Aristo cold light enlarger heads. Voltarc, Inc. recently
completed an initial re-engineering of the lamp for the D2-HI V54 cold
light head, and produced a new manufacturing run of this product.
Sales from this initial effort were sufficient to convince Voltarc to
proceed with a re-engineering of lamp grids for the Aristo VCL4500
(4x5) and VCL8100 (8x10) variable contrast heads. These are the dual-
lamp, green and blue grids. Only the lamps themselves are being
reintroduced. No other newly manufactured replacements parts for any
Aristo cold light head assemblies are being offered.
Voltarc is now accepting names on an interest list for the anticipated
reintroduction of the above two VCL replacement lamps. The
announcement is expected to be made near the end of January 2011,
providing no unforseen obstacles are encountered. Pricing has not yet
been determined, but is expected to be in the ballpark of the final
published Aristo price for these replacement lamps.
If you are interested in getting on the interest list to be notified
when these lamps become available, you can do so by sending an email
to Louise Kessler of Voltarc, Inc. at:
Adding your name to this list does not obligate you to purchase
anything. It is for notification purposes only. If you are
interested in purchasing one of the new D2-HI V54 lamps you can also
do that with a email to Louise at the same address. If sales continue
to justify it, Voltarc has indicated its willingness to continue
reintroducing additional grid lamp models for other Aristo heads in
the future.
For more information, please also see the following thread on the
Analog Photography Users Group (APUG) Darkroom Equipment forum:
For the record, I have no business or financial stake in Aristo/
Voltarc. Only a desire to see them continue to reintroduce these
replacement lamps for the users of the now discontinued light
sources. I think this is good thing for the future of analog
photography in general as it continues its transition into a niche
market. And it's a great opportunity for those of us who continue to
use the original Aristo cold light head units.