Ric Trexell
2009-05-03 02:22:58 UTC
I have developed a weird problem with my Mamiya RB67 Pro S. When I got this
camera by winning an ebay auction, (ok hold down the lol's) the interlocks
didn't work. This sort of helped me to learn how it worked because I guess
one of the interlocks prevents you from taking pictures without film in the
camera. So I could see how it was suppose to work better. I got around
taking double exposures by making sure to wind the film first and then cock
the shutter. Well, anyway, this Easter I was taking two rolls of film and
after I loaded the second roll, when I went to take a vertical shot the
shutter button would not go all the way in. That little pin that hits the
multi-exposure block would prevent it. However, when I take horizontal
(landscape) ones there is no problem. I can still take verticals (portrait)
but I have to put the M.E. button on M.E. and then remember to put it back
before I wind the film. I guess I will need to send it in, but I was
wondering if I bent something while installing a new film, or what? The
other thing I noticed once, and I'm not 100% sure of this is that once while
playing around with it today, I couldn't get it to go back to the horizontal
position until I moved the ME button. Maybe it just stuck or something as I
can't see where that would matter. Have you ever heard of this? This
happens with and without film in the camera. The manual doesn't say
anything about this that I can find. Ric-Stumped in Wisconsin.
camera by winning an ebay auction, (ok hold down the lol's) the interlocks
didn't work. This sort of helped me to learn how it worked because I guess
one of the interlocks prevents you from taking pictures without film in the
camera. So I could see how it was suppose to work better. I got around
taking double exposures by making sure to wind the film first and then cock
the shutter. Well, anyway, this Easter I was taking two rolls of film and
after I loaded the second roll, when I went to take a vertical shot the
shutter button would not go all the way in. That little pin that hits the
multi-exposure block would prevent it. However, when I take horizontal
(landscape) ones there is no problem. I can still take verticals (portrait)
but I have to put the M.E. button on M.E. and then remember to put it back
before I wind the film. I guess I will need to send it in, but I was
wondering if I bent something while installing a new film, or what? The
other thing I noticed once, and I'm not 100% sure of this is that once while
playing around with it today, I couldn't get it to go back to the horizontal
position until I moved the ME button. Maybe it just stuck or something as I
can't see where that would matter. Have you ever heard of this? This
happens with and without film in the camera. The manual doesn't say
anything about this that I can find. Ric-Stumped in Wisconsin.